The charity is seeking to recruit fresh helpers to assist with various admin tasks.  One of these is the maintenance of its fairly substantial store of music.  The music is held in 3 cupboards in the Library at the office in H1 where there is plenty of space, a piano and computer available.  A cafeteria is open during weekdays and there is ample free parking.

The volunteer is free to work in their own time and there is no requirement to attend regular meetings.  The library stock is available to anyone to borrow but poorly used.  The charity wishes for this music to be utilised more widely.  

In the first instance, the outdated catalogue of music requires to be brought up to date and the music, which is in a rough order, needs tidying up.  Once the initial task of bringing order to the Library, the post is not onerous.  The charity only purchases music once a year at June Festival time.

If you are interested and would like more information, or a tour of the office, please get in touch with either Teresa Boag or Janette Hall by emailing