TROPHIES CONVENER - Annual requirements

The Music, Speech & Drama Festival has just over 74 trophies to award each year. The charity urgently needs a helper to look after these.  The work necessary falls primarily between May and June each year.  The role, which can be shared, requires the volunteer(s) to  

1. Maintain a record (on Excel) of the recipient of each holder on an annual basis.
2. Contact the award holders in May each year and request the return of the trophies for re-distribution.
3.  Check the condition of trophies on their return and arrange for repairs/replacements.
4. Polish the trophies (definitely a job to be shared!) and put them in clearly marked boxes for distribution during festival week.
5. Contact the award holders in June and confirm their contact details for return the following year.

There is no requirement to attend board meetings. The work can be carried out at the festival office at Hill of Rubislaw where the trophies are stored.  A computer and printer are available in the office and there is a subsidised cafeteria open during weekdays.  (Social distancing definitely not a problem!)

Please see also request for Trophy Historian, which can be combined with this post, or shared.

For more information please contact Teresa Boag or Janette Hall by emailing