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Interested in becoming a Trustee?

In order to keep the charity's work relevant, it is vital that the Board is made up of a mixture of experienced trustees and new, fresh members.  If you have an interest in securing the future of the performing arts in general, and in the North East of Scotland in particular, please consider becoming a Board member.   In these challenging times, it is more vital than ever that the charity embraces change and takes active steps to fulfil its objectives.   The requirements are: Enthusiasm to secure the future of Aberdeen's oldest festival. The ability to engage with others, to be open to new ideas, to be forward thinking A moderate degree of I.T. competence - basic skills essential...

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Please be patient.  We know you are all anxious to enjoy receiving your well deserved trophies.  However we need to do a quick annual check.  Many of our trophies are fairly old, and may need the odd repair here and there.   We like to make sure they are looking as good as they can be.  Please give them a polish up if you can before returning them to save our volunteers this job. To avoid any damage in travel, please put your trophy in a good sized box and pack with bubblewrap or something soft. Centenary preparations.We are putting together a comprehensive list of our trophy winners and will be researching their history as part of our preparations for...

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The Festival will not be retaining any videos submitted for this year's festival, unless express permission has been sought from the performer. If for whatever reason you would like your video returned, please get in touch now. All videos on our register will be deleted on 30th June 2020 and we will not be able to return any after that date.

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Thanks to Alex and Gayle, we are going to be able to allow each entrant in a class to hear the videos of fellow performers.  The Festival will host each session as a Zoom meeting, performers will be given links to the meeting and an approximate time for their class to start.  They may join the meeting (session) before their class starts, and they may share the link with parents/teachers/supporters. The adjudicators will prepare written feedback and speak to the performers at the end of the class, and if relevant announce a winner and award a prize. To achieve this, we will have to revise our thoughts on timetabling, and this will start tomorrow.  Please be patient.  This is all...

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